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Pro Tips

  1. Product storage tips

    • Keep in a temperature regulated environment (between 70-75 degrees F. is ideal)

    • Keep product out of direct sunlight (keep bag within shipping box)

    • Keep compost around 40-50% moisture content (if you squeeze compost material in your hand, it ideally should only generate one drop of liquid if at the correct moisture level).

    • Use within 6 months from the date of bagging.

    • Please scan QR code to register for biology updates from the mother stock material (as well as to get loyalty and referral benefits)

  2. Product Direction tips:

    • 1 large handful will have enough biology to treat one gallon of clean water (scale up as needed, one gallon treats 100 square feet of area).

    • Use an activated carbon water filter if you are using chlorinated water or pre-fill bucket with water and leave out overnight.

    • It's best to pour water on the tea bag and gently massage the bag to release the microbiology.

    • The tea making process should only take about 10 minutes. You should plan to use the tea within 4 hours ideally (if extract method is used).

    • You can use our compost tea directly from a bucket or a watering can, directed at base of plants, be sure not to "drown" your plants...but too much biology will not hurt them, it's just not helpful dumping too much in one application (it's better to spread out applications to let the biology gradually establish over the growing season).

    • You can use a backpack or large-scale spray tank to apply the compost tea but be sure to clean out any residues from the tank beforehand as well as scale the compost material as needed.

    • After you finish compost tea treatment, you can either remove the remaining (wet) compost material and amend into your soil (use as top dressing) or it is fine to re-charge this material by blending it back into your GroZome CTA bag (this adds moisture and enables you to extend the use of the product.

    • When you are done with the compost tea bag, give it a gentle rinse and let air dry for your next batch.

  3. Product Usage Tips

    • For a typical home garden, we recommend treating all your plants once or twice every two weeks, for one growing season. Even over the summer is a great time to start using GroZome as these microbes will naturally improve drought tolerance in the root zone (WARNING: your plant roots will grow super deep with our product). 

    • After your first growing season and the soil food web has been fully established for your treated plants, you will only need to use GroZome on an ad-hoc basis or for only your new plants. 

    • Though this a highly concentrated, biologically complete compost - this product will not hurt you so wearing gloves is up to your own preferences.

    • Our product is tested and free from pathogens, especially noting that we set out only using vegan inputs, and you will not find any trace of animal or post-consumer waste in our product. Our inputs are sustainably sourced, GMO-free and regeneratively farmed.

    • We prefer customers use the compost tea extract method (as described above) as the normal method of use from our product due to the concentrated and balanced biology out of the bag designed to fit the needs of most of plants in a typical home garden.

    • If you are an advanced microbe farming and have the training and equipment to make a true compost tea, then go for it, but any adverse outcomes will be borne by the customer.

    • Though our compost tea is a natural pathogen free product, it is not for human consumption. If you do happen to get sprayed in the face with a compost tea extract (real life story @farmereverest), you will be fine, just take a shower.

    • Please don't let children play with bag or contents.

    • If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please direct them to Everest Holmes -

    • and finally, please tag @grozome on all your amazing garden pics!

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